Tony Mullin
B Arch, NZCD (Arch), RMaPSPartner, Bristol

Joined the practice in 2000 after the successful merger of Delta Chartered Architects with Oxford Architects to create their new London office. In 2003 he moved to Bristol, taking over as Managing Partner there in 2007.
Architecturally educated in New Zealand he has worked and travelled extensively. This has provided the opportunity to work in all sectors of the construction industry on almost all building types in differing climates.
“To design in all sectors and on all buildings types creates the greatest opportunities, presents the most difficult challenges, but also provides the most satisfying results. I believe in an architecture of 'process'. It is only by understanding the aspirations of the occupiers and delivering these requirements that we achieve beautiful architecture over simple buildings".
Merging architectural design, site context, location and the budget to a project to achieve the client’s brief “plus a little extra” is the philosophy entered into for all the projects he undertakes.