Didcot Parkway Multi-Storey Car Park
Phased construction of a new five storey multi-storey car park along with re-surfacing, re-lighting and re-lining of the existing retained at-grade Foxhall Road car park serving Didcot Parkway station. The new car park provides 1800 spaces, doubling the existing capacity, including 24 blue-badge spaces and, provision for 17 electric charging bays.
The design of the multi-storey car park utilises a grid system to allow the car park to be constructed using a steel frame with concrete plank decks and staircores, as a modular system. The main staircore (East end) also incorporates passenger lifts, plantrooms, server rooms, stores and service risers for mains distribution. The remaining 3 staircore are provided for emergency situations, ensuring the maximum walking distances from any location on each deck is compliant with means of escape requirements. The external cladding consists of vertical aluminium fins (proposed for low maintenance) set in panels of varying angles to provide visual interest and break-up the massing of the building.
Access/egress for the multi-storey car park is gained from the refurbished at-grade car park, with all connectivity to the public roads using existing infrastructure. To access the upper storeys a two-lane ramp has been provided and is positioned to provide good parking circulation and a quick exit route.
Pedestrian access from the new car park to the Station is via a new footbridge link over the tracks located to the East of the car park. This can be accessed from Level 0/at-grade using steps, or directly from Level 2 of the multi-storey via a high-level enclosed link.