Didcot & Faringdon Primary Schools
Oxford Architects have been engaged by RPS Group and Oxfordshire County Council to develop feasibility studies for two new 2 Form Entry (420 pupils) Primary Schools with Nursery (90 pupils) and SRP provision. One Primary School is located in Faringdon and the second located in North East Didcot.
We worked with the client and design team to develop a series of design options to explore viability of the sites against the Schedule of Accommodation. A control option was agreed for each site and designs developed up to feasibility level detail.
The new Primary Schools will be a mix of single and two storey buildings, laid out in âTâ shapes. The majority of the accommodation will be on the ground floor, including Admin, Early Years and Key Stage 1 teaching and ancillary accommodation. Key Stage 2 teaching will be located on the first floor.
Access points into the sites have been pre-determined as part of the approved Outline planning approvals.