Sheringham House

The proposal comprises of a new 3 bed dwelling with associated double garage within an area of outstanding natural beauty.

Currently the site is underutilised. It has a series of constraints that have informed the scale, form and layout of the scheme.

The proposal has been designed to give the impression of a series of small scale vernacular buildings once common in the area. The two storey element is conceived as a rural dwelling whilst the single storey garage and living room represent, lower status out buildings. The contrast is re-enforced by the use of materials. The two storey element is constructed of red brick with red clay tile roof reflecting the traditional use of these materials for dwellings in the area. The garage and living room are formed from dark grey bricks under a slate roof, echoing the use of black stained waney timber for out buildings.

The Kitchen/dining is conceived as a modern linking intervention. The wall forming the west elevation of the kitchen/dining room is reminiscent of a high garden wall.

By breaking the building down into a series of interlinking volumes the proposal addresses the difficulties that the site throws up. These volumes focus their views towards the north and south while its orientation protects them from both the noise of the road and overlooking of adjacent properties.

Contemporary Rural, Crowmarsh Gifford

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