Swindon Science Park
The proposed Swindon Science Park will comprise a mix of use classes B1b and B1c and provide a new purpose built facility (Use Class B1c) for The Wasdell Group who are an important existing local employer. This high-quality and sustainable development has the potential to attract a wealth of new businesses to Swindon, providing employment and economic benefit to the area.
The full Swindon Science Park site area totals 402,859m2 (40.286 hectare), this is subdivided into the following areas:
- 103,180m2 (10.318 hectare) for the Wasdell Building (Phase 1) and associated infrastructure; and
- 299,679m2 (29.968 hectare) for the remainder of Swindon Science Park (Full Masterplan).
From the start of this masterplan process there has been a clear set of principles and aspirations that have defined and shaped the current proposals. Whilst the layout, density and design have developed during the design evolution process the following principles have been retained within the scheme design.
- Energy efficient, sustainable buildings set within a well-designed landscaped setting
- High quality architecture and landscape design
- Green buffer zones around the perimeter of the site which both screen the development as well as provide added bio-diversity to the local area
- Retention of footpaths and rights of way – along with the creation of new pathways for pedestrians and cyclists that allow a great degree of permeability across the site
- Design of a Sustainable Urban Drainage System to complement the landscape as well as better manage the water / drainage on and around the site
- Maintain existing hedgerows and trees as well as planting of new tress and hedgerows to create “green corridors” within the site.
- Sensible assumptions for how the scheme can connect to the proposed SCR and how the scheme can operate until that new road is constructed without adversely affecting existing traffic flows
- Allowance for a feasible canal route should this happen in the future
This large scheme has been shaped from the start of the process with the technical input and expertise of Architects, Engineers Landscape, Heritage, Sustainability, Highways, Drainage, Archaeology, and Ecology Consultants. The masterplan has always sought to balance the principles and guidance of each discipline and to carefully consider and integrate these into the current proposals to create a cohesive and holistic scheme design that will positively enhance the site.
The masterplan has also positively benefited from comments raised during a Public Consultation which has greatly helped to shape the current proposals to mitigate against the concerns raised by the local community.
A major key to the development has always been the retention of the existing boundary trees, hedgerows and water features. New trees and hedgerows will strengthen these existing landscape patterns and provide a substantial green buffer to the edges of the development. Across the Science Park masterplan there will be extensive new landscaping to maintain the green character and appearance of the site. There will be a “Green Spine” through the centre of the development that incorporates planting and swales, providing sustainable drainage and ecological benefit to the site and surrounding areas.
The wider Science Park development provides much needed high-quality research and office space within easy reach of Swindon town centre and the M4. This high-quality and sustainable development has the potential to attract a wealth of new businesses to Swindon, providing employment and economic benefit to the area.